10th Anniversary of European Alternatives
2007 - 2017

Ten years ago, one of our concerns in launching European Alternatives was to contribute to reenergise a continent we felt was incapable of finding the cultural and political resources to renew itself. A glance over the past ten years suggests that at the level of the political institutions this energy for renewal has been lacking. At the same time, a grass-roots politics of contestation and civic invention has been spreading across the continent, and European Alternatives has been networking the dispersed elements of this renewal.
In the framework of THE INDEPENDENT, European Alternatives organises Third Time / Overtime, a project in two chapters happening over a day of debates and actions around the idea of Europe and an illustrated map by artist Marco Raparelli and dedicated to the past ten years of social movements in Europe.
During the day, we will also introduce a new space dedicated to THE INDEPENDENT in the Guido Reni hall– with an artistic wall by Marco Raparelli, a visual artist based in Rome.
This map is an artistic project that will reflect on the transnational political and social movements born after the 2008 financial crisis until 2017, and on the actions that European Alternatives has done in the past decade to connect, support and cooperate with this movements.
From Blockupy in Frankfurt to the Nuit Debout in Paris, from the connection between the European Commons Assembly, to the mobilisations for the right of water across the continent.
An artistic map that will be exhibited in the museum for one week showing the alternative initiatives that have worked to create a different Europe.